Museo Exploratora Campinas.

Sao Paulo, brazil
conceptual 2008
exploratory science museum
Museo Exploratora Campinas.
Science and technology have had a fundamental impact on the development of the world’s societies and cultures and will play a central role in determining the nature and quality of our future. These disciplines are fluid, dynamic, and almost limitiless in their potential to shift the trajectory of our evolution as a species and that of the entire planet. This project aspires to communicate the essence of science and technology to foster a more holistic and interconnected view of our future, one that achieves a sense of balance between science and the natural world, between innovation and sustainability.

This design proposal for the Meseu Exploratoria de Campinas fosters a paradigm shift. It instigates a new world view that focuses on an integrated and holistic understanding of the concepts of science, technology and nature. The project seeks to present science and technology as fluid, dynamic and almost limitless in their potential to shift the trajectory of our evolution as a species and that of the entire planet, thereby bringing science, technology, and the natural world back into a state of balance. This condition of balance is concretized in the project through the forces of inclusivity, interaction and exchange, all of which give rise to a design that promotes connections between science, technology, people, and the natural world.